Coming Soon

Investing in real estate has never been easier. Get fractional investment properties on the Bricks Exchange

Property fractionalization is the future of real estate investing. Bricks is leading the path.

Powered by Discord, the Bricks interactive deal room makes it easy to engage with our team. Sponsor deals and interact with the entire community from one app. Start building your tokenized real estate portfolio today


How the Deal Room Works



Step 1: Register and Submit Application

Complete the application form on the contact us page, selecting your roles (Investor, Buyer/Borrower, Agent/Broker) and submit your KYC/AML documents.


Step 2: Connect Wallet and Join a Deal Room

Now that you’re whitelisted, you can connect your wallet and subscribe to our deal room. Get updates when a new project becomes available and explore our offerings and other features.


Step 3: Create or Invest in a Project

Buyers and borrowers create a project for investors. Then upload due diligence documents. Next, the project documents are reviewed by investors and the deal becomes funded through your digital wallet and others.


Step 4: Set It and Forget It

Select a payout option. Then sit back and relax. Your real estate investment portfolio is on autopilot. With the autopilot setting, as your assets grow, we’ll handle whatever comes up, whether that’s redeployment of funds or selling your BRX holdings. If, however you prefer to be more active then you can receive the periodic dividend payments direct to your wallet and decide where they go from there.

Ready to Dive into the Deal Room?

Contact us and begin browsing Tokenized RWAs from a wide diversity of real estate projects in the real world. Make deals and grow your portfolio with the BRX (erc20) token. To get started, simply sign into our discord channel below as a guest and start making deals.